Featured Auction Items
Have an item to donate to our auction this year? Submit it through the form at the bottom of this page and we'll be in contact.
Have something you’d like to donate to the NW Conference Auction? This year the PNWPMC has chosen to donate all proceeds from the Auction to the Dr. Laurel Hansen Endowed Entomology Fund.
Our 2025 Auction Donations

Fire Ant Colony Art
Donated by: The Killers Pest Control
20lbs molten aluminum casting of a red imported fire ant (solenopsis invicta) bed out of Texas.
Size: 13” Length X 11” Width X 13” Height
Donate To The PNWPMC Auction Today!
Have something you’d like to donate to the auction? This year the PNWPMC has chosen to donate all proceeds from the auction to the Dr. Laurel Hansen Endowed Entomology Fund.
To submit an item for donation, please fill out the form and it will be submitted to PNWPMC Staff for review and approval.